2018-10-09 10:22

@JFinal 收到

2018-07-04 08:41

@JFinal 好吧,了解了

2018-07-03 17:02

@JFinal 这是 getMethods()的官方api解释,也就是这样,获取到了2个一模一样的方法名,在JFinal3.4版本中直接就抛了异常,启动不了了

2018-07-03 17:01

@JFinal Note that there may be more than one matching method in a class because while the Java language forbids a class to declare multiple methods with the same signature but different return types, the Java virtual machine does not. This increased flexibility in the virtual machine can be used to implement various language features. For example, covariant returns can be implemented with bridge methods ; the bridge method and the method being overridden would have the same signature but different return types.

2018-07-03 17:01

@JFinal 我觉得你可能没理解我的意思,我本来是想重写父类的方法,但是父类返回值是返回父类这个对象,子类的返回值返回的是子类这个对象,按之前我的理解,这是重写,但是被jvm识别成了重载。